Life Is Martial Arts

The Way of Yin and Yang

Archive for the tag “basic self defense”

Practical Everyday Self-Defense Part 1

Some real-life and realistic tips on self-defense:

When people think of the words “self-defense” they usually get a picture in their mind of various moves in martial arts and how to apply it in a self-defense situation. This is the wrong mindset however as you never want to ever be in a situation where you have to use your skills to defend yourself. Therefore, self-defense is a proper mindset before a set of skills. Here are a few tips that I follow everyday to avoid or minimize the possibility of getting into “bad” situations.

1.) Avoidance – Do not go into a “hostile” area unless totally necessary. “Hostile areas” in everyday life can include dark alleys, side streets, and other areas of high criminality such as public markets, low-class malls and commercial areas. If you are blessed enough to live away from these areas then don’t go in them. Poverty, desperation, and illegal drugs are a great source of criminality. This goes for when you are on foot, in a car, or commuting. Avoid travelling at night in dark areas with low traffic. Avoidance is the #1 most effective “technique” in self-defense.

2.) Awareness – Always be mindful of your surroundings. Always scan for threats wherever you go. This doesn’t mean you have to be jumpy or paranoid, but never assume that you are 100% safe in public areas. Never trust strangers and have someone with you at all times whenever possible. When you enter a public area, know where the exits are so you know where to run when there’s trouble. If you think you are being followed, try to lose them by blending in with the crowd. If you have a jacket or cap or similar article of clothing, lose it while you’re out of sight. Change your height by hunching your back and shoulders. Do everything and anything to change your appearance while moving and slip out of the area.

3.) Demeanor – If you do find yourself in a hostile/unknown area, check your demeanor. Don’t appear like prey (Ie. fearful, nervous, not sure what to do,) but don’t appear too cocky either. Just leave the area as fast as possible, constantly aware of your surroundings and scanning for possible threats. If you think a threat or several threats are approaching, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction and scream for help. If you’re surrounded, run towards the direction where there’s the least number of threats and escape. Only engage if there’s no possibility of escape, and only so that you can make your escape.

4.) Running – Is your best weapon. Most ambush predators will not run after you if you flee into a crowded area. If the hostiles have guns, run in an erratic, zig-zag pattern. It’s very hard to hit a moving target with a pistol and the chances you’ll escape injury are high.

5.) Buddy System – As mentioned above, you are less likely to be targeted by criminal elements if you walk/are in the car with other people. This is especially true for women.

Always Remember the cliche: Prevention is Always better than a Cure.

*Part 2 will deal with items that are useful to have everyday for use in self-defense situations.

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